Saturday, February 9, 2013


Saturday. Sitting in Stillness Saturday. I'm not very good with silence. I don't like awkward silences (who does though?), or silences in general. If it needs to be "silent" I prefer for there to be music in the background. My "Sitting in Stillness Saturday" is involving the new For King & Country CD "Crave." <3 Not enough words describe how beautiful this CD is. Nothing describes how beautiful it sounds while sitting in Starbucks with my biff, away from college life, and smelling the delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee. NOTHING.

Today I am so thankful for the opportunities and people that have been placed in my life. This past week I had three different interviews for three different things happening in my life. The first one was for a job opportunity at Tele-counseling for IWU; I got the job and started my first day this past Wednesday. Let me tell you all a little something.
I'm the girl that if I need a haircut, or need to order a pizza I will run to my mommy like a little child and have her do it for me. She would roll her eyes and tell me how "I'm almost in college and will need to learn how to do this myself" and I constantly shrugged it off. Was I delusional or something? Of course I'd eventually have to learn how to be comfortable talking on the phone to people!
Anyway, the point of that story was that Tele-counseling is ALL phone call conversations with people you don't know giving them information about the school. To say the least, on my first day, I was terrified. Like knees shaking, pits sweating, TERRIFIED. But I think after my first day I'm starting to get the hang of things :) Phewww!
My second interview was for an RA position (which I had posted about earlier in the week). I think it went really well and since then I have been asked by two other dorms for interviews! Still, nothing will be announced until February 21st! Keep praying!
Then, my third interview, which by this point I'm so over interviews, was a psychology interview. Basically, it's a 99.9% chance that you'll get into the psychology program, but I guess it's a way for them to "finalize" your major. Anyways, the interview was yesterday. And let me just take you through my day. It was nonstop chaos from 10am-11pm. I decided that was too much for me to handle without any breaks and with not much sleep the night before. So I made the decision to skip my first class from 10-11am and get some extra sleep and then have my interview at 11:30. When I got to the psychology interview GUESS who one of the teachers was that was my interviewer? ....The teacher whose class I had just skipped. (Face palm). Whatever though. I think it went pretty well overall. 

Chaotic week and I'm very glad that it 's over. But this upcoming week is expected to be just as brutal, if not worse. Prayers are appreciated.

Stay Beautiful <3

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