Sunday, September 14, 2014

We are His group

"Okay class. I've placed everyone into a group for an impromptu group project" 

Being 22 years old, I have had the unfortunate pleasure of being apart of many group projects in high school as well as college. But after being in countless group projects, I noticed that what I wanted was not what everyone else wanted in the group. There were too many of us in the group who wanted different things. 

There were the junkies, who just wanted to get by.

"BRO- you just do it. I don't really care how you do it. If you think it looks good, I think it looks good" 

There were the flirts.

"Oh my gosh. Tony. How weird that we're BOTH in group 5 together? It's like fate!" 
No, it's not fate. There's 20 of us in the class, and 4 in each group. Get ahold of yourself Cindy.

There were the jocks.
"Let's just huddle up and see what we wanna do here."

*We all think - FINALLY, a leader!*

"But seriously, I have practice tonight and a game tomorrow so I really can't commit to a group project. You guys think you could put my name on the Powerpoint and we'll just call it even? Since, after all, I am the quarterback bringing in all the W's. Am I right?"

There were the nerds who had all the right answers, but they were talking in almost a foreign language with all the big words in their vocabulary  that everyone kind of shut them out.

After naming all of the key players in a school's group project, I realized that life is a group project coordinated by God. But we're all so busy with our own agendas that we forget we're part of a group. 

The junkies  are the nonbelievers. They really don't care as long as they get to go along. As long as you're doing good, they'll go along for the ride.

The flirts are the ones giving Christianity a bad name by choosing a life of impurity. They make excuses for their behavior with porn, premarital sex, and sexual impurities by saying things like "I'm doing everything else right, so what if I slip up and follow the crowd in JUST this area?"

The jocks, are what most of us are - a wanna-be leader. Unfortunately they have a lot of other things on our plate and still can't commit to being the best Christian they can be. Because, after all, they figure they're bringing in the W's in some other more important area of life.

Finally, the nerds are like the one's who are in a deep relationship with Jesus. And that's a great place to be! It's a place that many of us are striving for. But often, the nerds are speaking with such big vocabulary that those who may be new to the idea of Christ don't understand and instead of being able to bring people to Christ, they scare others away. The nerds unable to meet people exactly where they are because they're too busy trying to hoist others up quickly to a level they're not ready for.

But God - He's the group leader; the perfectionist of the group. The one who wants everything to be spotless, pure, and rid of sin. He's got the perfect plan for how to orchestrate the best group project known to man. But not enough people in the group to help. Some of the people He does have in His group aren't fully paying attention. Some have their own agendas and think that as long as God does it, it'll turn out just fine. But this is a group project. One that requires us bring it back to God, the group leader, and see how we can put it all together to make something wonderful. God doesn't want to do this all on His own. He needs His group. We are His group. And until we realize it - this group project isn't going to succeed and run smoothly.

"It's not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What's important is that God makes the seed grow. The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. For we are both God's workers. And you are God's field. You are God's building." - 1 Corinthians 3:7-9 NLT

"These were his instructions to them: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields." -Luke 10:2 NLT

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