Monday, May 12, 2014

Social Media Destroys Relationships

 I think that the best relationships are the ones you don't see projected all over Facebook. We don't need to see you write your boyfriend an "I love you boo boo bear :) <3 <3 xoxo" post to his wall only to have him be the only person to like it. Save that for a text message.

Social media is also the passive way that we go about sending messages to our significant others. I can't say I haven't been guilty of this, because I'm sure I have. But girls who one day tweet about their boyfriend LITERALLY being the best person in the world, and then the next day tweet about "like is it so hard to text me once in a while?" No. That is a conversation you need to have with your boyfriend. Not with your 245 followers, one being him and on the off chance that he actually gets on twitter and sees that (because most boys are too busy for that), I mean, really?

I will be the first person to tell you that having high standards is completely fine
I've been out of a relationship (just say it --- single) for the past three years.
Have I been pursued? Have I gone on dates here and there? Absolutely.
But my standards are high, and I don't think that's a bad thing.
But social media has gotten to the point where we pour our heart and soul out on EXACTLY what we want.

GIRLS: I know it's fun to dream about THEE perfect guy. Let's be real, we all do it. But posting things about "I want a guy that...." and then it goes on to say that you want a guy that buys you ice cream in the middle of a rainstorm and kisses you while slow dancing to Luke Bryan is just ridiculous. That's not real life. And your boyfriend isn't going to bring you Taco Bell at 4am because you're hungry. That guy doesn't exist.
What you're doing by posting stuff like that is making the good guys RUN FOR THE HILLS.
Boys don't do this as much, but if I liked a guy and I saw him posting stuff like "I want a girl who is a size zero with 36C boobs, who makes me home cooked meals and drinks beer while watching the Pacers game with me" I would be like FOR REAL? and run. Because those are such specific things and it's asking a lot. That's exactly what you're doing by posting pictures and being like "YES! AMEN!" Guys won't think you'll settle for anything less.
Don't get me wrong - you deserve the best. But before you go post that picture or status about how you want a guy who will apologize after a fight even if you're wrong, play with your hair, surprise you at school with a bouquet of flowers, and will skype you at midnight just to tell you he misses you, THINK about the fact that there may be a guy out there who isn't perfect, who won't do all of these things but instead will keep you laughing and smiling and may just make you realize that all of those things look good on paper but HE is real life. 

Stay beautiful <3