Tuesday, February 12, 2013


"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." 

It truly baffles me when people expect certain things from people without telling them. I'm sorry, but do you think people can read your mind? That you're so great with nonverbal communication that they should "get it" by now? Because it's completely not the case. I can't tell you how many of my friendships have gone downhill because of a lack of communication. And when trying to fix the friendship things are brought up that they had been holding onto for SO long that I had done years ago. How was I supposed to know that that statement I had made to you in the car last January has hurt you so much if you never verbalized it to me? Communication is so important in everything that we do. And it's so easy to take things the wrong way, which is why we need to constantly be talking through things.
I've never been passive with my feelings. I don't believe in that. If I need to say something, I'll say it. If someone asks me what I want for dinner, I'll shout out a few options. The answer "I don't know" irks me to no end. Especially in dating relationships. When I ask "What do you wanna do tonight?" I actually would like some feedback.
You wanna watch the football game? TELL ME.
You don't want to watch a chick flick for the 5th time this week? TELL ME.
You'd rather stay in instead of go out tonight? TELL ME.
Because it shows on your face what you really want, and it makes you look like a stronger person when you just voice your opinion. What's the worst that could come from it? Someone may disagree with you? Big whoop. Have a backbone. Hold your own. I promise you, you'll feel like a better person when you have a say in life. Don't just roll with the punches. 
Okay, I mean, sometimes it's okay to roll with the punches. Some people are just naturally more laid back. But there's an extent to that. And I think a lot of people that are "laid back" use it as their crutch in life. They say, "Oh I'm just so indecisive because I'm so laid back and carefree!" ...no...not really. You're indecisive because you struggle with being a people-pleaser. Not because you're "laid back." 

"Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life."

What do you expect to get out of life if you are unable to step on a few toes? It's your life for goodness sake. If you really want to go through life walking on egg shells afraid to hurt anyone's feelings then by all means continue on the path that you're on. But if you're ready to take control of your life, then start communicating. No one can truly know YOU until you open up and start giving your opinions. Don't worry about what others will think; because the people that are supposed to be in your life will be there even if you slightly piss them off once in awhile. I promise. 

<3 Stay Beautiful 

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