Thursday, February 14, 2013


It's been a little over a year and a half since my last relationship. I've been on a few dates since but nothing significant. And I'll be the first to admit that for the majority of the past year and a half, I've been bitter. I've been confused and lost. My last relationship was about three years on and off. "On and off"...what a typical high school relationship.

I've learned though, that there's a reason for my season (or in my case, seasons) of singleness. I need this time for myself. And I say that with the least bit of selfishness. Do I want to be single right now? Honestly? No. Not in the slightest bit. But I'm in this rut for a reason. Perhaps it's to be more available to the opportunities that Jesus is calling me into right now. Perhaps it's because I would be unable to handle one right now during school. Perhaps it's because I'm not ready...

Woof. That hit hard. I'm not ready?! Excuse me? I feel more than ready. But I just know that Jesus is shaking his head with a smile on his face. "No you're not. Wait." There are things in my life that I need to figure out and fix. I'm not perfect; no one is. But there are things in my life that need to be fixed before I bring another person into my life. I don't want to bring someone into this mess until I get it cleaned up first. And I think that's so important in any relationship.

So right now, that's why I'm single. I. Am. Not. Ready.

But I'm so ready to dive head first into an eternal relationship with my God.

If you're wondering why you're not with someone this valentine's day, I encourage you to step back and look up. There's a reason. Think deeply and carefully about it. What are some things you need to fix in your life before you bring someone else into it? And if you honestly feel you've been doing everything right, then humble yourself. Also, remember that maybe it's not you right now that needs fixing. Maybe it's the person you're supposed to grow old with. Maybe they're going through a tough time right now and need to get their life together before you meet. Something neat to think about. God already has planned who you will grow old with. He knows how you will meet, when you will meet, and if you already have met - how you will meet again.

On that note, a few years ago I was talking to my friend and he said, "I take time each day to pray for my wife." ...He was 20 years old, and as far as I knew he wasn't married. He wasn't even in a relationship! I said to him, "Uh...what?" And he repeated himself and added, "I don't know who I will marry, but God does. And I just wanna take time each day to pray for her safety and spiritual relationship with Jesus. I just pray that she's doing well each day." <3
How amazing. How amazing that he's praying for someone he doesn't know yet, but God does and He knows exactly who he's praying for.

Absolutely crazy to think about. So remember that this Valentine's Day. There's a reason for this season...of singleness :)

<3 Stay Beautiful

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts" - Isaiah 55:9

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