Wednesday, May 29, 2013

There's No Formula

I'm extra organized and routine-oriented.

I'm a feeler, and when I feel that I need to say or do something it comes from the way I feel, not logic.

I'm controlling of situations. 

All of these qualities are my strengths and my weaknesses. I'm starting to realize that these are big reasons why I've yet to be in a relationship since 2011.

Being extra organized and routine-oriented, makes me independent. I don't like the idea of having someone do something nice for me. Because that means that I need them. But I remember several years ago when I was in a relationship, and I really did like the nice things that my significant other would do for me. It showed that he cared.

Being a feeler is also a weakness for putting myself into a relationship because I go strictly on gut-instincts. If I don't "feel" like I should date you, I won't. And since I'm so focused on being independent, I won't date you.

My controlling personality follows closely behind those with always feeling that 
whatever the guy is trying to say, do, convey - I could do it better.

I know I'm not the only one facing these struggles. You may not have all three of these weaknesses hindering your dating life, but you may have one and a few of your own. It helps to talk it out and then breathe and relax. And then realize....

You know when people fall in love (based on what I've seen in movies and whatnot of course)? When you start doing something you love and stop worrying about if someone's watching as you walk.
Or if they notice that you have a pimple directly under your nose.
Or if they can tell you woke up late and had to rush out of the house without putting on chapstick so now your lips definitely look outrageous.

They fall in love once they let everything go. So as you're running out of your house with the same shirt you fell asleep in, know that if you're supposed to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right that's gonna work out regardless. So Breathe. Relax. And Realize.

Stay Beautiful <3

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