Monday, February 4, 2013

It's Been Awhile

It's been awhile since I've written on this blog post thang and I'd like to get back into it! So here I go...

First off, allow me to catch you up on my life. My life has been absolute chaos since the summer. Here's what I've learned.
1. What is in a relationship to begin with, (whether that be a friendship or intimate relationship) will always be there.
2. You can't change people. No matter how badly you want to, you can't change people. They must want to change themselves first.
3. Choose your friends wisely (this can correlate back to #2) If your friend is not exactly who you want them to be, then find a different friend. Don't stick around and try to fix them. It's too messy and not worth the end result.
4. When eating fish, make sure you get all the bones out. and chew carefully ;)
5. It sucks to have strep throat and a mouth full of mouth sores and an inability to eat solid foods for 10 days
6. Second Semester is WAY better than First Semester
7. I'm happiest when I'm taking a majority of psychology based classes
8. Finding a perfect church is impossible but finding one that I absolutely love is great! (S/O to Fairmount Wesleyan Church!)
9. Meeting new people, new connections, and new opportunities has it's perks
10. And putting yourself out there, and doing something you wouldn't normally do can be a challenge but a start to something new. Today, February 4, I was offered a job as a Tele-counselor for Indiana Wesleyan :)

YAHOOO. There's the past 7 months for you in 10 points.

Anyways, I literally just came up with this right now, so let's start with this:

People always say "Do whatever makes you shine!" and I'd like to change that. I'd like to say, find where your spotlight is. Your spotlight is found wherever you feel happiest at. I'm not asking you to physically take action and DO what makes you shine. I want you to find a certain place, that is your spotlight. Because I truly believe that where you're the happiest, you can do great things. For me, right now, I'm happiest when I'm writing in my journal or now on my blog. I've been writing in my journal for the past 3 weeks or so, and have never been happier about life. It's nice to be able to go back and read about things that have happened or revelations I've had. So for me, writing in my journal is what makes me shine....but my spotlight is found on my futon, Denise (Yes, I named my futon. Deal.)

Blah blah blah, that was kind of a bunch of jumble, but hopefully it made a little bit of sense to someone :)

OhKAY. I'm done for now. Here's a picture of my sister and I because I got to spend this past weekend with the familia! It was an absolute blast :) Miss them already!

Stay Beautiful <3

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