Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Playing Catch Up

I really wish that I had rediscovered this blog earlier this year. I've been keeping my thoughts in my journal
Which is a fab looking journal might I add (front and back)

Anyway, I'm going to play a little catch up and blog about the things that I already have in my journal from the past month; So first was on January 17, I blogged about how in awe I am of the things that God is doing in my life as well as my friends' lives.
"This week was Summit and the speaker, Jeff Eckhart, was literally unbelievable. Here are a few things he said that have truly resonated with me and that I don't want to forget.
  • I want to live a life that cannot be explained because the things that God is doing in my life is so incomprehensible that it logically makes no sense. 
    • Image builder - worries about looks, putting self first
    • Image bower - splitting time with God an an addiction of some sort
      • our God is a jealous God. God would rather you give your whole heart to your addiction that split time with Him
      • "How far can I go?" You would never ask that to a significant other about someone else, so don't ask it of God
    • Image bearer - book of Daniel; standing firm and not following the crowd
  • Which of the three are you? An image builder, bower, or bearer?
  • If God is calling you to do something that you can do without him --- then it isn't Him
  • If someone was using your phone as a hockey puck, you'd be upset because it's clearly not being used for what it's intended for. What a waste!
    • in the same way, that's how God feels about us when we don't follow him and do what he asks of us"
Next I stumbled upon this incredible video regarding addiction called "Sincerely Freedom"; 
I've included the link below. 

Here's a mini summary of the key points of the video if you'd rather not spare 8 minutes. 
  • You were innocent enough to underestimate the consequences but curious enough to know.
  • Intended for recreation, turned into the world's quietest addiction
  • Pornography was embedded into your mind like a squeaking saxophone, Lust plays like tambourines and cymbals trying to change up the tempo, your own hormones play like notes that build to a sinful crescendo. Ultimately separating YOU from the Maestro.
  • When you feed your addiction, your addiction feeds on you
  • Our culture raped the beauty of sex, and yet we ended up being abused
  • Don't you see this equation is missing a Higher Power?
  • I don't have a 12-step program, an informative pamphlet, or a strategic plan. I have no vaccine to help you see past your past, but let me pass you what I do have. I have a Savior. His compassion is new everyday, His faithfulness stays, He mad a way out of no way, turned my darkness into day. 
  • You have victory over this addiction
    • Sincerely Freedom
SO POWERFUL. Whether you struggle with pornography, this video is a great way to help you see past any addiction you may be facing. 

Well, that was excessive so I'll leave you with that for now.

Stay Beautiful <3

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